dilluns, 6 de març del 2017


I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
Now let’s make a long “a” sound…ay-ples and ba-nay-nays
I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays
I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays
Let’s try a long “e” sound…ee-ples and ba-nee-nees
I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and ba-nee-nees
I like to eat, eat, eat ee-ples and ba-nee-nees
How about a long “i” sound…i-ples and ba-nigh-nighs
I like to ite, ite, ite i-ples and ba-nigh-nighs
I like to ite, ite, ite i-ples and ba-nigh-nighs
Great, let’s sing it with a long “o” sound…oh-ples and ba-no-nos
I like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and ba-no-nos
I like to ote, ote, ote oh-ples and ba-no-nos
I know let’s make an “oo” sound…oo-ples and ba-noo-noos
I like to oot, oot, oot, oopples and ba-noo-noos
I like to oot, oot, oot, oopples and ba-noo-noos
Apples and bananas, one more time!
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.

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